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The Evergreen Baptist Church was organized on May 15, 1941 by the late Reverend Albert Morgan. The original plan was to build a house, but he was guided by the Holy Spirit to build a church.

Rev Morgan knew that he needed someone to assist; so he looked out and chose men to serve as Deacons; he chose older women to serve as Deaconess; a choir to sing God’s praises; Ushers to greet and assist people as they gathered to praise God; A Sunday School to be able to learn God’s word; and a Baptist Training Union (BTU) was formed.

Rev Morgan used his automobile as transportation for the members to attend Church services. He inspired the children with treats after Sunday School and Worship Service. He was a great inspiration to all he came in contact with. Rev Morgan called many to Christ through his teaching and preaching and baptizing and nurturing them in the word of God.

His favorite scripture was Genesis 49:10, ‘The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.’

He performed weddings, blessed children and did not forget about the sick. He served faithfully until his death.

After the death of Rev Morgan, Rev Theodore Gooden became our pastor and served faithfully until his health failed. He was a man of God who was instrumental in locating our present location. Rev Gooden gave of his talent, treasure and time to make sure that we had a sanctuary to assemble ourselves together to praise and learn about God.

After the death of Rev Gooden the church elected Rev Lee Snowden. Rev. Snowden served as pastor until his death.

In 1991 the Lord sent us a pastor and leader in Rev Mac Henry Wallace. We thank God for sending us a man of God who is spirit filled and is striving to see the church grow spiritually.

Rev Wallace’s passion was seeking the salvation of others. He was not only a pastor, but a teacher and friend who dedicated his time ministering to the needs of the people. Under Pastor Wallace’s leadership we continued our mission through the Leading of the Holy Spirit to present the Cross to a Lost World in an environment where everyone becomes a candidate for heavenly citizenship.

Pastor Wallace served dutifully for 28 years, during which time numerous souls were added to the fellowship.

Presently, we are being led by our deacon chairman and a pulpit associate, under the direction of the Holy Spirit as we seek God’s face.  We have witnessed God do great things for Evergreen, and we fully expect Him to meet every need and fill every void. We will not wait until the battle is over, we are going to shout now because God has a blessing with Evergreen’s name on it, and that blessing is on the way!!  

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